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Genji's helmet

So this is my big project I have been work on and off for about a year. This is Genji's helmet replica. The goal was to learn how to make practical props, including molds in silicone and casting with resin.

I first modeled the helmet in high resolution in Maya, using the game asset as reference.
I then 3d printed the smaller parts myself with my Ultimaker 1, while the bigger parts were sent to Shapeways.
Each part had to be painted, filled, sanded multiple times, until very smooth.
Then came the molding part, using silicon. Most molds are made in 2 parts, using clay to make negatives. Some are poured-in, some are brushed-on.
When the molds are done, I cast with resin. Some parts are hollow, some are solid.
The visor was molded with clear plastic, using a small vacuum forming machine I built specifically for that purpose.
The final model was painted using Molotow spray paint, generally used for street art.

This is my (almost) finished Genji's helmet. Scroll down to see the progress

This is my (almost) finished Genji's helmet. Scroll down to see the progress

I need coffee

I need coffee

This is the 3D model I made for 3d-printing, in maya

This is the 3D model I made for 3d-printing, in maya

Quick render test, done with substance painter and arnold

Quick render test, done with substance painter and arnold

another 3d render

another 3d render

first printed part, exciting

first printed part, exciting

after  a first round of primer, filler and sanding

after a first round of primer, filler and sanding

rinse and repeat, until super smooth. I alternate red and grey primers to see the layers when sanding. And red looks cooler

rinse and repeat, until super smooth. I alternate red and grey primers to see the layers when sanding. And red looks cooler

second part printed

second part printed

The big bucket is done. It's heavy, even though I made it as thin as I could

The big bucket is done. It's heavy, even though I made it as thin as I could

All the part are now printed

All the part are now printed

Trying to get an idea of what it will look like. It's big!

Trying to get an idea of what it will look like. It's big!

Preping the jaw, using various fillers and primers

Preping the jaw, using various fillers and primers

Progress on the helmet. You can see the primer left an ugly drip, but no worry, we'll sand it away

Progress on the helmet. You can see the primer left an ugly drip, but no worry, we'll sand it away

All the small parts are almost done now. They don't look smooth but...

All the small parts are almost done now. They don't look smooth but...

A quick coat of primer and all smooth shiny

A quick coat of primer and all smooth shiny

Final coat on the jaw

Final coat on the jaw

Same on the helmet, all smooth and clean

Same on the helmet, all smooth and clean

Waxing before molding, to add an extra layer of smoothness

Waxing before molding, to add an extra layer of smoothness

After buffing, all shinny, ready to mold

After buffing, all shinny, ready to mold

First mold. This one was a big mistake, this part was way too big for a traditional poor-in mold.

First mold. This one was a big mistake, this part was way too big for a traditional poor-in mold.

For the other parts, I created brushed-on mold. Very messy but more practical for big objects and use a lot less silicone

For the other parts, I created brushed-on mold. Very messy but more practical for big objects and use a lot less silicone

My garage was a mess for a couple of months

My garage was a mess for a couple of months

Making the mother mold, the hard shell that goes around the silicone mold, to keep its shape once emptied

Making the mother mold, the hard shell that goes around the silicone mold, to keep its shape once emptied

Popping the mother mold open

Popping the mother mold open

Pulling the master out of the silicone mold. Super tight

Pulling the master out of the silicone mold. Super tight

And it's out!

And it's out!

First casting test. Not quiet there yet

First casting test. Not quiet there yet

Starting doubting...

Starting doubting...

Third time is the charm

Third time is the charm

Casting the helmet!

Casting the helmet!





The jaw went much better

The jaw went much better

Some holes in the back, no big deal, this won't be visible

Some holes in the back, no big deal, this won't be visible

Casting the smaller parts was easy

Casting the smaller parts was easy

Starting the paintjob, 3 months later

Starting the paintjob, 3 months later

Here again, not everything went well

Here again, not everything went well

When I pulled the masking tape, some of the paint came with it :(

When I pulled the masking tape, some of the paint came with it :(

Don't know if you can see it but there is an ugly paint drip. So I have to sand and start over

Don't know if you can see it but there is an ugly paint drip. So I have to sand and start over

Getting there. Only needs the visor and the "scarf"

Getting there. Only needs the visor and the "scarf"

Vaccum forming the visor with transparent plastic. I built a small vaccum forming machine just for that :)

Vaccum forming the visor with transparent plastic. I built a small vaccum forming machine just for that :)

Cut and painted the visor with a semi transparent paint. You can't really see through it :S

Cut and painted the visor with a semi transparent paint. You can't really see through it :S

Almost done :)

Almost done :)

Lighting test, using an LED flashlight. I will mount a proper lighting system later, using LED strip or EL tape

Lighting test, using an LED flashlight. I will mount a proper lighting system later, using LED strip or EL tape

And there it is, finished, or almost. Needs some paint touch-ups here and there, but it's done overall

And there it is, finished, or almost. Needs some paint touch-ups here and there, but it's done overall

Overwatch Genji's Helmet